2014 saw my final attempt at completing the ambitious horror short film and after many failed attempts since 2013, we cancelled the project because the resources and support for the project from others just wasn't there and I didn't have a strong enough core team. Some films are never meant
to happen and I learned this. So now I am trying to get my sh*t together
over this year to create the right conditions to make another film
finally, that will be live action and not an animation.
We got as far as a headcast
the moment there are certain life goals and issues that need to be
attended to before I start something up again. In the meantime I have
been helping people with their own short films. One in particular I am
pretty proud of being a part of called the 'Lateness of the hour'
directed by our special effects person Rob Mclaine who worked on our fan film Friday the 13th: Jason's Blood.
My roles included assistant camerawork and lightings person, as well as playing a small character, all of which are much easier and less time consuming than producing, casting and writing a short.
You can watch the film here:
As soon as I have my own project in pre-production, this page will be updated... and I do plan on definately having something ready before the end of the year, even if it is a modest short film, and from here I will attempt again to reignite the flame of Horrorville Productions, I have some difficult barriers to get through before even starting this however...
In the meantime I'd like to mention that the very last episode of Deadpit radio (the great horror talk radio innovators from Kentucky) was broadcast last week and many in what remains of the horror community were sad to see them go. But just like me they have major life events going on which made it impossible for them to continue the show. But just like me if they find the time they will come back, hopefully when the horror genre is back in popularity again.
Don't stop believing in great horror......