Thursday, 8 April 2010

Mid - April Update

Things have been moving slowly but surely since the last update, Jag and I have just finished the 4th draft of the script and we've come up with a possible title, also our budget is looking better than expected. We've yet to start casting for crew, actors or extras but we have a very rough schedule based from the 4th draft. I am personally pleased with what Jag and I have accomplished in the script, it expresses our fears, our anger, our imaginations and our knowledge and in my opinion is the best script we've ever written, because not only is it personal it's both a scary , shocking and violent film which deals with the extremes of human emotion. We will try our very best to put what we write on screen and maybe even make it better.

The downside is there have been a few issues with finding 2 of the locations but I'm sure we will figure this out before the shoot.

Also we have deliberately been doing less horror shows simply because it was getting too difficult to do that, work and also plan the film at the same time especially when we had a lot of negative feedback from viewers on our last review of the Nightmare on elm street 2010 trailer, but that wasn't the sole reason we stopped, it was more of a discouragement because I realized what's the point in spending time doing this if most people don't like it?? I realize it's good for us as horror fans to have an opinion, however it got to a point where our opinion was completely disrespected and patronized over the past 4 weeks, so why should i waste my time on editing and filming something which only a few people would slightly appreciate, when Jag and I are working on an original film?? So yeah this and a few other things have knocked us a bit, but we will prevail only to prove to people that personal films can be made from people frustrated about the current state of the horror genre.

A bit of a rant there. We probably will do another show at some point but we don't know when. I still think the most important thing is to focus on making this film a reality, and if the horror show prevents this then this then we'll have to leave it to written blogs and small random vlogs..

If you've read this... then thanks

Until next time,

Rot slowly
