These greedy bastards keep pumping money into horror remakes, and the worse thing is that they keep making money off them, I think its unfair just to blame just these greedy pigs because its also our fault, because we keep running to the cinemas or going out buying these remakes, we help fund and build up their egos who in turn give money to make these projects happen for desperate directors. This bloody circle is never ending.
What pisses me off more is that we say we hate these remakes, and want them to stop, well I tell you then- stop watching them, and just go out buy the originals and enjoy these bad-boys of horror. They are the true horror movies you want to have and many many horror fans hold them dear to their hearts and so should you. If we all stop going out and spending our cash on these god awful remakes, then the fat cats in Hollywood will stop making them as there’s no profit to make out of them and maybe then they will pump their cash into the slightly more original horror scripts that are floating around in the world.
Sorry peeps about that outburst but I just could no longer hold it in and well it all just had to explode out of me.
I was thinking I would review some remakes. The good, the bad and the o.k, but screw that I feel what’s the point maybe a later date I will get to it but for now I feel I should just take my time and talk more about remakes in general.
I would at this point like to state yes I was at one point helping to fund these remakes, and fell for the remake craze and for this peeps I am sorry, I was young and just wanting to support horror the best I could, but what I found out from this support for the remake was that Hollywood just won’t stop, these dicks just kept on, and made more and more remakes.
Since then I have stopped watching remakes at the cinema and buying them on DVD/ Blu Ray, since this is only going to help fund more horror remakes. If I want to check out a remake which is rare I can go on the good o’ tinternet and watch it for free, yes I would be giving up my time which I could have spent watching a great original horror movie but hey, we all have to make some sacrifices.
I personally feel that only roughly about 2-4% of horror remakes are good, and sometimes even outdoing the original, but not all, some just make it fun to watch and let us the fans, see a different side of what the movie could do.
Maybe a lot of you peeps out there are thinking its unfair saying all the ‘bad stuff’ about horror remakes since you have not seem them all and so my judgement is not all true or even half true and what I say to this is that having watched the original, 97-99% of all remakes don’t hold a touch to them, because what the original offered were scares, real physical effects, even a rather great story can not be seen in the remakes which seem to be flat on story, taken over by CGI and well it's just violent and nothing else.
Don’t get me wrong I love violence but hell I want it to feel real and maybe even scary, remakes seem to do violence for the sake of violence.
I think I know why this could be, what I’m about to say is not a fact and I have not researched it but rather personally what I think remakes just have violence for the sake of violence and no scares. Well that’s unfair they do have some scares and when I mean some I mean some like roughly 1% of the film is made up with scares, yes you could say there’s more scares, but the scares I’m on about are the ones no one see coming, the ones that hide and out of nowhere pop out and grab us by our necks. Sorry peeps seem to have gone off the topic, ok, lets get back to the main point violence.
I believe we have this over- the- top amount of violence due to the things that are happening around us and also the change of audience.
Let’s start with world events effecting horror violence. The news can now be seen 24/7, seven days a week, not just on western television, but now news channels all over the world have there own T.V channels, we have always had them appear on our radios, and even now we have them on the tinternets. We have been over exposed to the news from what we hear to most importantly to what we see, the images of dead people, or dying people and even people in war torn countries are powerful. I mean these images are so strong because they are real that they overrule horror movie scares because we are no longer as scared of bumps in the dark but rather by images of death.
Let me put this another way, we have become used to seeing images of death that we perhaps want more, but we cant tell others we want people to be ripped apart and have insane amount of blood flying everywhere so as a result we want to see this in films more than feeling the need to be scared in the traditional sense.
Now my other point is that these horror remakes seem to be targeting the younger audience, the studios see them as an easy way to make money, they also now have more media to showcase their films (well trailers for there remakes) unlike before and well when you enter the realm of the tinternet you can target all major age groups, from 10 year olds-late 30s maybe even the early 40s, because everyone nowadays lives off the tinternet it has become part of our lives it is like another friend, a child or even secret lover, and the great think is the tinternet will never say your wrong, your dirty it will never judge you.
This amazing tool lets everyone explore the new remakes, by seeing behind the scenes, photos on set, the cast we all love on the small screen to the big screen (I mean this in a general way).
So to wrap up, what I am saying is that the audience have changed now and remakes have become weak in sense of scares but strong in bloody violence and the ratings have lowered for the new generations of horror ‘fans’ and so what was a R rating for the original is now a PG13 for its remake.
Well I’m going to stop here because there’s a lot there to read and take in, and yet again I’m sorry peeps for my outburst but hey the true horror fans do have to let the feelings out about the new crap being showcased to us.
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