The original halloween release date for the short on youtube has obviously been missed, this was due to a lot of busy happenings at work and in my personal life during September and October. The Halloween period particularly did not go down well for personal reasons. November has not been that busy, however I have struggled to get a crew together with only 1 person committed to helping me film, as long time filmmaking partner Jag has got his own commitments. 2 crew members that were originally going to help out also have their own committments so can't be involved. Additionally the original actor I really wanted for the lead role is not interested. This means casting will only begin after I've got a crew of more than 2 people together, so far only have 1. I apologise to anyone who thought this film may be out on halloween. I've removed the video blog which said this and will maybe only put it up when the next vlog is there..
The good news is the story has expanded into something much cooler and creepier, and there's even potential for another film related to this one. I've also given the film the title 'Pure Evil'.. Which fits the tone of the antagonist and is quite easy remember.
My main goal is to get one more crew member committed to film on saturday nights, then casting will be done along with other stages in pre-production.
Hopefully my next update I'll have more to say...

Can't wait to see the finished product. Hope your efforts in getting cast and crew together are successful ! Veeder (from Veeder Films)